More than 1,700 sheltered houses in Aberdeen have had new alarm systems installed in a £1.2million investment by the council.
Flats in 36 sheltered complexes across the city have had their community alarms upgraded to “telecare-enabled” systems after a review was carried out.
Residents can also be reminded to take regular medication through the new system.
In addition to sensors around the home raising an alert if they detect any event, such as a fall or a fire, users can also wear a small pendant which enables them to call for help 24 hours a day from anywhere in their home.
Community, housing and infrastructure convener Neil Cooney said: “This project will help support hundreds of older residents to stay safely in their own home and provide peace of mind for the user and their family.”
Anyone who is interested in finding out more about telecare can attend a drop-in event at Hillylands Independent Living Centre, Croft Road, Aberdeen, on April 4 and 5, 10am to 4pm, or call 01224 788616.