Two feathered stars of the Harry Potter film franchise will swoop on an Aberdeen family fun day this weekend.
Hedwig and Eral, the owls featured in the hugely popular movies based on JK Rowling’s books, will be at Duthie Park for the free event between noon-4pm on Sunday.
Hedwig the snowy owl was Harry Potter’s companion throughout the series and Eral, a female great horned owl, delivered his first letter to Hogwart’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Harry Potter owl
People attending the event will be given the chance to have their photographs taken with the celebrity owls, who stay at the Owl and the Pussycat animal sanctuary at Maud in Aberdeenshire.
The event has been organised by Aberdeen City Council’s park ranger service, with the aim of promoting awareness of the environment.
Other charities at the event will be the Royal Horticulture Society of Aberdeen (RHSA), the Butterfly Conservation Society, Aberdeen and District Beekeepers Association, Satrosphere and the council’s own tree squad.