Tenants will learn how to use modern technology such as digital tablets
A new project to help pensioners improve their computer and internet skills has been launched at an Aberdeenshire sheltered housing scheme.
Residents at Queen Elizabeth Court in Fettercairn will learn how to use digital devices to search the internet, keep in touch with their families and use video calling, as part of efforts to help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.
The initiative, launched by the Castlehill Housing Association tenant’s group, will be rolled-out to other sites if it proves successful.
The tenant’s group has ensured Queen Elizabeth Court’s common room has secure broadband in the common room, which residents can use at any time to go online.
Catherine Coutts, tenant participation officer at Castlehill, said: “We know that 20% of people in Scotland lack the essential digital skills to fully participate in modern life.
“Those who have no means of accessing the internet are more likely to face other forms of social exclusion and inequality.
“With more and more services moving online, we want to help tackle these inequalities by giving our tenants the tools and support to thrive in a digital world.”
New project to help Aberdeenshire sheltered housing residents get online