A public hearing will be held on Huntly’s flood protection scheme next month.
The £2.9million plans were drawn up to reduce risk of flooding in the Meadows area of the town, which has been badly affected in the past.
The plans – approved by councillors in 2012 – have been designed to protect residential, agricultural, community and businesses along the River Deveron, the Ittingston Burn and the Meadow Burn.
The scheme includes raising and strengthening existing defences on the River Deveron between the Bridge of Gibston and the Hill of Haugh, and creating storage for flood water by constricting the flow in the Meadow Burn.
But before the project can progress, two outstanding objections from landowners must be addressed.
Aberdeenshire Council announced a public hearing on the matter would be held late last year, and has now confirmed it will be held at the Gordon Arms Hotel, Huntly on February 18, and the following day if necessary.
The hearing, which will be presided over by a Scottish Government Reporter, will give the objectors the chance to make their representations.
Afterwards, the Reporter will give his findings and the council must then decide whether to progress the scheme as it is, make changes, or reject it.