A laughing yob who claimed to have Covid and then spat at a police officer has avoided jail.
Bradley Murison told the cop he should seek medical attention after the vile act at Kittybrewster station.
The 19-year-old had been arrested in connection with an unrelated matter and became “irate” while in custody at the station.
In a hearing at Aberdeen Sheriff Court, Sheriff William Summers branded the teen’s conduct “despicable” and told him he should be “ashamed” of himself.
But Murison dodged a prison sentence over the sickening offence and instead was handed unpaid work, supervision and a curfew.
‘Became irate and acted in an aggressive manner’
Fiscal depute Helen Treharne told Aberdeen Sheriff Court: “The accused was arrested in relation to an unrelated matter and taken to Kittybrewster police station.
“The cage door was opened slightly to allow him fresh air. The accused became irate and acted in an aggressive manner.”
Ms Treharne said Murison told an officer: “I’m going to spit on you. I’ve got Covid-19.”
He then proceeded to spit at an officer, “narrowly missing him”.
The fiscal depute said: “The accused laughed and said ‘you now have Covid, you should go see a doctor’.”
Conduct was ‘deplorable’
Murison, whose address was given in court papers as Holland Street, Aberdeen, pled guilty to a charge of assault by claiming to be infected with Covid-19 and spitting at the officer.
Defence agent Neil McRobert said his client accepts his conduct was “deplorable”.
He added: “Spitting at someone is disgusting at any time and especially so given the present circumstances.
“He accepts his conduct would have had an effect on the police officer.
“Thankfully the spit did not connect with the officer.
“At the time he’d been using diazepam to excess.”
‘You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself’
Mr McRobert added Murison had shown remorse for his behaviour.
Sheriff William Summers told Murison: “The charge involves spitting at a police officer, that is quite a despicable way to behave, particularly in these strange times.
“You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.”
He ordered Mursion to be supervised for 12 months and to carry out 120 hours of unpaid work.
The sheriff also imposed a three-month curfew for Murison to remain within his home address between 7pm and 7am every day.