Man admits stealing radio from Aberdeen Sheriff Court By Danny McKay February 28 2020, 12:47 pm February 28 2020, 12:47 pm Share Man admits stealing radio from Aberdeen Sheriff Court Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link Copy Link Aberdeen Sheriff Court A man has admitted stealing a radio from Aberdeen Sheriff Court. Lee Cameron, 39, appeared back in the same court where the crime was committed. He pled guilty to a charge of theft over the incident which happened on April 23. Fiscal depute Lynne MacVicar said the item, stolen at around 4.30pm, was a two-way radio, used by security at the court. It had been on a charger console next to the main entrance. She added it was valued at £100 and hadn’t been recovered. Keep up to date with the latest news with The Evening Express newsletter Defence agent John Hardie said: “It’s part of the equipment of the security team.” He added the radio had been stolen to sell but that it was “useless” on its own. Sheriff Margaret Hodge ordered a social work report to be prepared and deferred sentence on Cameron, of Elmfield Avenue, Aberdeen, until next month. This article originally appeared on the Evening Express website. For more information, read about our new combined website.