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Aberdeen chip shop owner in court over food hygiene allegations

The case called at Aberdeen Sheriff Court.
The case called at Aberdeen Sheriff Court.

An Aberdeen chip shop owner is to appear in court in connection with food hygiene allegations.

Behroz Hamedi, 59, has been charged with five alleged offences related to conduct at the Marco’s XX food outlet on Belmont Street, Aberdeen.

The company faces the same five charges.

The first charge is storing and displaying food which could support the growth of bacteria on December 15 2017 contrary to a remedial action notice.

The second charge is the same as the first charge, except on January 25 2017.

The third charge is failing to adequately clean the outside surface, floor and area around the ventilation ducting in the cellar on January 25 2017 after a hygiene improvement notice had been served and said ducting was leaking excessive amounts of oil and grease.

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The fourth charge is failing to ensure food handlers are supervised, instructed and trained in food hygiene matters in respect of work activities in that food handlers while working there did not carry out regular hand washing on January 25 2018 and in doing so failed to comply with a hygiene improvement notice.

The fifth charge is not taking adequate measures to prevent a fall from height through a floor hatch into the cellar on January 25 2018, contravening a requirement imposed by an improvement notice served by Aberdeen City Council on November 29 2017.

Hamedi, whose address was given in court as Belmont Street, Aberdeen, was not present when the case called at Aberdeen Sheriff Court yesterday.

The case was continued without plea until November 6 when Hamedi must appear.

Sheriff Graham Buchanan read a letter to the court from Hamedi which stated the food outlet has since closed down.

This article originally appeared on the Evening Express website. For more information, read about our new combined website.