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Man jailed after being caught with 90,000 indecent images of kids

The case called at Aberdeen Sheriff Court.
The case called at Aberdeen Sheriff Court.

A man has been jailed after being caught with more than 90,000 indecent images of children.

Francis Stevenson, 58, appeared in the dock at Aberdeen Sheriff Court in relation to the matter.

He previously pled guilty to possession of indecent photographs or pseudo-photographs of children and also to taking, permitting to be taken or making indecent photographs or pseudo-photographs of children.

The offences were committed between May 1993 and June last year, in Finzean and elsewhere.

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Depute fiscal Katy Begg said just under 1,000 images were category A, the most serious, while more than 85,000 were category C. Dozens of videos were also found.

Defence agent Peter Keene said: “He unfortunately suffered an accident at work when he fell off a ladder and badly damaged himself and could not work for a length of time.

“He had all this time on his hands and he started looking at pornography.

“He’d very much like to face up to his addiction.”

Mr Keene said his client would welcome a rehabilitation course.

Sheriff Morag McLaughlin said: “There is no other disposal that can be justified other than a custodial sentence.”

She jailed Stevenson, whose address was given in court papers as Ealing, London, for 27 months and made him subject to the notification requirements of the Sexual Offences Act for 10 years.

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