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Abusive Asda shopper took off facemask and put it on security guard’s head

Darren Davidson placed his facemask on the head of an Asda security guard.
Darren Davidson placed his facemask on the head of an Asda security guard.

A supermarket shopper has been handed unpaid work after he took off his facemask and placed it on the head of a security guard.

Darren Davidson, 32, appeared in the dock at Aberdeen Sheriff Court and admitted being verbally abusive to a security guard after he was challenged at an Asda superstore in Aberdeen.

He then took off his facemask and placed it on the guard’s head – telling him “I will end you”.

His solicitor told the court his behaviour was due to Davidson using “unprescribed” medication.

Davidson pleaded guilty to one charge of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner at Asda on Links Road, Aberdeen, on April 23 last year.

Accused became irate when stopped by guard

Fiscal Andrew McMann told the court that Davidson was spotted by staff staggering while carrying various packages from within the shop.

As he was approached by a security guard he immediately became “irate” and was verbally abusive.

Mr McMann said: “He then took off his facemask and put it on the head of the security guard.

“He shouted at the guard, stating ‘I will end you’.”

‘He has since taken stock’

Defence agent Paul Barnett told the court that Davidson’s outburst had been due to him using “unprescribed diazepam”.

He added: “He is suitably alarmed by his behaviour.

“He has since taken stock and has stopped using unprescribed medication.”

Sheriff Lesley Johnston told Davidson that she accepted that his actions that day were “down to taking diazepam”.

She added: “I also note that you have made some significant changes and have been of good behaviour.”

Sheriff Johnston sentenced Davidson, of Menzies Road, Aberdeen, to a community payback order and ordered him to carry out 80 hours of unpaid work.

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