An Aberdeen man accused of plotting acts of terrorism told a police officer that he kept chemicals at his home so he could build “weapons of mass destruction”, a court has heard.
Richard Smith has gone on trial at the High Court in Edinburgh and is alleged to have had homemade explosives at his home in Aberdeen.
He’s also alleged to have possessed guides for how to make explosive devices along with anti-Muslim and neo-Nazi documents.
Giving evidence on the first day of the trial Pc Joanne Smith said the 29-year-old made the claim about weapons of mass destruction as he was receiving medical treatment for a head injury on September 21 2019.
The jury heard how Smith was found lying unconscious and bleeding from his head and his mouth on the street at Leslie Terrace in the city by the police.
However, he regained consciousness and started abusing police officers who called for an ambulance to help him.
Pc Smith told the court that Smith was “hostile” and “fairly aggressive” to her and colleagues.
The court heard that even although Smith wasn’t arrested or detained by police at this time, he was placed in handcuffs for his and paramedics’ safety.
When prosecutor Liam Ewing QC asked Pc Smith to describe what Smith allegedly said to her, she replied: “He said he was going to bomb police offices and our own personal cars.
“He said he was a military man. He said he had chemicals in his home that he could use to make bombs.
“He said he had chemicals in his home that he could use to make weapons of mass destruction and bombs.”
The court also heard that Smith told the police that he could make guns from his own urine.
Pc Smith told the court that she suspected that the accused may have had mental health issues due to the way he was behaving.
She said that he said he was going to bomb Queen Street Police station in Aberdeen and that he assaulted police officers who attended at the hospital.
Uncle: Nephew was a loner
Later, the accused’s uncle, who is also called Richard Smith, 48, told the court how his nephew was studying mechanical engineering and computing in 2019.
He told the court that his relative was a “loner” when he was growing up.
Mr Smith said the accused was raised by his grandparents after his mother passed away.
The court heard that on October 8 2019, the accused sent Mr Smith a WhatsApp message which stated: “The Muslims must die”.
When Mr Ewing asked him what he thought when he received the message, Mr Smith replied: “I can’t recollect how I felt at the time.
“It was just something that it was his sense of humour sort of thing.”
Accused of having or making homemade explosives
At the start of proceedings, jurors who are observing proceedings from a cinema, were read the contents of a legal document detailing the charges against Smith.
He denies charges under the Terrorism Acts of 2000 and 2006 and other offences.
Prosecutors claim that between October 19 2018 and November 13 2019 at various locations in Aberdeen, Smith “ did make” or “knowingly” had in his possession “explosive substances.”
Prosecutors claim that these were “namely homemade explosive substances” and powders and chemicals, which could be used to make “explosive substances”.
It’s alleged that the substances could “cause or aid in causing an explosion,” and that it could give rise to “a reasonable suspicion” that he didn’t have the substances in his possession for a “lawful object”.
In relation to this charge, the Crown claims that Smith breached the Explosive Substances Act 1883.
The second charge alleges that between August 9 in 2018 and November 13 in 2019 at various locations in Scotland, Smith collected or made a “record of information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism”.
It’s alleged that he had “a quantity of texts, manuals, booklets, leaflets, videos and other guides” relating to the “manufacture of explosive substances, improvised detonators and improvised explosive devices” and the “manufacture of chemical and biological agents”.
Prosecutors also claim he had information about “the manufacture and use of firearms and other weaponry” and “the practice of guerrilla warfare, paramilitary survival, combat and resistance techniques”.
Anti-Muslim documents allegedly found
It’s also claimed he had information which promoted “anti-Muslim, neo-Nazi and other racist causes” and that he created, downloaded files on electronic devices and CD and DVD discs and that this breached the Terrorism Act 2000.
The third charge alleges that between August 9 2018 and November 13 2019 at locations in Aberdeen, Smith possessed “a quantity of materials capable of being used in the manufacture of explosive substances” and possessed “a quantity of materials capable of causing or aiding an explosion”.
It’s also alleged that he created and possessed “texts, manuals, booklets, leaflets, videos and other guides” relating to the manufacture of explosive substances improvised detonators and improvised explosive devices.
Prosecutors also say he had information about the use of “chemical and biological agents” as weapons; guerrilla warfare and survival techniques.
He is also said to have had information about “the operation and manufacture of firearms and other weaponry”, “paramilitary survival and resistance” and “combat techniques” as well as information “advancing anti-Muslim, neo Nazi and other racist causes.”
Prosecutors say he also conducted online research into the “manufacture of explosive substances, improvised detonators and improvised explosive devices”; and that he possessed a quantity of military-style clothing and weapons – and that this was Contrary to the Terrorism Act 2006 section 5 (1a).
Between October 10 2019 and November 13 2019 at locations in Aberdeen, Smith is alleged to have possessed without “having a licence”, sulphuric acid and nitric acid.
He also allegedly possessed “barium nitrate” and prosecutors say this breached the Poisons Act 1972.
The final charge alleges that on November 4 2019 at Kittybrewster Police Office in Aberdeeen, Smith assaulted Detective Sergeant Bruce Buntain by pushing him on the body.
Smith, who is represented by Ronnie Rennucci QC, has pleaded not guilty to all charges.
The trial, before judge Lord Mulholland, continues.