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Elgin barbershop owner found guilty of domestic assault

Akbar Kakayi was found guilty at Elgin Sheriff Court.
Akbar Kakayi was found guilty at Elgin Sheriff Court.

A Moray businessman who domestically abused his wife has been ordered to keep away from her for three years.

Barbershop owner Akbar Kakayi was found guilty after a trial at Elgin Sheriff Court of domestic assault and a further charge of behaving in a threatening or abusive manner.

The charges against the Golden Cutz owner state that he seized his wife by the hair and dragged and pulled her body at their Lhanbryde home on April 23 this year.

They further state during the same incident he behaved in a threatening or abusive towards her, demanding that she leave the house, shouting and swearing at her and placing her in a state of fear and alarm.

Akbar Kakayi owns Golden Cutz in Elgin.

The 36-year-old denied the charges but was found guilty by trial last month before Sheriff Olga Pasportnikov.

His defence agent Robert Cruickshank said the bail conditions in place barring Kakayi from contacting his wife had been a “matter of upset to him”.

“He has an aspiration of rekindling the relationship. I understand those aspirations may not be shared.

“The separation is a distress to him. There are young children involved and it’s to his credit that despite the conditions he does maintain contact with them.

“He provides for them financially through his business.

“He is a man who works hard and remains devoted to his young children.”

Sheriff Pasportnikov told Kakayi, of St Brydes Court, Lhanbryde: “This was a distressing event for your wife.”

She handed him an 18-month supervision order, a six-month curfew and a three-year non-harassment order preventing him from contacting his wife except for matters relating to their children.

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