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Aberdeen drink-driver caught after police hear sound of damaged car

Wayne McAllan was pulled over on Cairnbeg Road in Cove by officers who had spotted he was driving on a flat tyre.

Police in a uniform with a radio, not showing her/his face. It is attached toa reports that a man from Dingwall was taken to hospital
Police noticed Wayne McAllan after hearing the sound of his damaged car. Image: Police Scotland.

An Aberdeen drink-driver was caught nearly three times the limit after police spotted him driving on a flat tyre following a collision.

Wayne McAllan was pulled over on Cairnbeg Road in Cove by officers who had been alerted to the sound of his clearly damaged car.

On further inspection, officers discovered further damage to the 37-year-old’s vehicle and formed the view it had been involved in a crash.

When McAllan failed a roadside breath test he was swiftly arrested.

Fiscal depute Andrew McMann told Aberdeen Sheriff Court the incident happened just before 8pm on January 6.

He said: “Officers were on mobile patrol and observed noises coming from the accused’s vehicle.

McAllan has two similar previous convictions

“It was being driven on a flat tyre.”

Officers pulled the car over and found McAllan to be the driver.

Mr McMann continued: “The officers formed the opinion, due to damage on the vehicle, that it had been in a collision beforehand.”

The fiscal also noted that the road conditions were icy at the time.

A breath test was carried out which returned a positive result for alcohol.

McAllan, of Whitehills Lane South, Cove, pled guilty to driving with 62 microgrammes of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 22 microgrammes.

Sheriff Rory Bannerman, noting McAllan had two analogous previous convictions, deferred sentence for background reports.

He disqualified McAllan from driving in the meantime.

Defence agent Iain Hingston reserved mitigation until the sentencing hearing.

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