A vicious attacker who was caught on camera stamping on his victim’s head is behind bars today.
Scott Ironside, from Aberdeen, was remanded after he admitted attacking his target and dragging him around by his clothing.
Video footage of the incident captured Ironside shouting: “Touch my f***ing dog and I’ll kill you.”
Ironside, 24, appeared at Inverness Sheriff Court to admit a single charge of assault to severe injury in relation to the incident on December 7 2023.
Fiscal depute Susan Love told the court that the crime came to light after another man volunteered footage of the assault to police officers.
She said the man asked if the officers wanted to see the victim “getting a doing”, before showing them three videos of the attack.
Disturbing footage of the crime was played in court, with observers in the public gallery shaking their heads as the assault unfolded.
Ms Love said: “The video shows the accused carrying out a sustained assault.
Threats to kill
“He would repeatedly kick him to the face and head and stamped on his head several times and slapped him whilst making threats that he would kill him.
“He was shouting ‘touch my f***ing dog and I’ll kill you.”
The court heard that the man who showed the footage to officers later conceded he had recorded the assault and it took place within his own home.
Officers were able to identify and trace the victim, who confirmed he had visited the address in Hossack Drive, Elgin, and had been drinking with Ironside, the man who lived there and a woman.
“He stated that he had been drinking but that he had blacked out from intoxication,” Ms Love said.
“When he woke up on December 8 his face was sore and tender.”
The court heard the victim left the property and later attended at Dr Gray’s Hospital in Elgin with “significant bruising and swelling to his face.”
He underwent a CT scan and an X-ray – the latter being unsuccessful because “his face was too swollen at that point to see what injuries there were”.
He said that he had pain from the back of his head across to the front and in his cheek and jaw.
Ms Love told Sheriff Eilidh MacDonald: “The full extent of his injuries is unknown as police were unable to get any further update.”
Victim ‘shocked’ by assault video
The fiscal depute said the man had been “shocked” when shown the video of the assault.
Solicitor Ross Taggart, for Ironside, said: “Clearly it is a very serious offence, I accept that.”
Sheriff Eilidh MacDonald called for a social work report and a restriction of liberty assessment and deferred sentence to next month.
She remanded Ironside, of Bedford Road, Aberdeen, in custody meantime.