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Oban man supplied drugs to children aged 13 and 15

Along with joints, Robert Murdoch, 66, also bought cigarettes for the youngsters.

Robert Murdoch, from Oban, supplied drugs to children. Image: Facebook
Robert Murdoch, from Oban, supplied drugs to children. Image: Facebook

An Oban man has admitted giving two children, aged 13 and 15, cannabis joints and cigarettes.

Robert Murdoch, 66, pled guilty during a hearing at Oban Sheriff Court.

The offences took place at Murdoch’s home, in Miller Road, Oban, between August 1 2024 and November 29 2024.

Describing the case as “serious”, Sheriff Euan Cameron said all sentencing options, including jail, were available to him.

The court heard Murdoch was a first offender and had shown “genuine remorse” for his actions.

Defence agent Jane MacNiven said she would reserve mitigating defences until the sentencing hearing.

Fiscal depute Raeesa Ahmed told the court: “Information was disclosed to teaching staff that two children had obtained the drugs.

“A police officer was called to the school, who spoke with one of the children who said that he and his friend had been given cannabis by the accused.”

Ms Ahmed continued: “Further to that, they also confirmed the accused had bought them cigarettes.

“As a result of this information, officers attended at the accused’s home address.”

Murdoch was not arrested by police at that time but was told to come to Oban Police Station.

During an interview at Oban Police Station, Ms Ahmed said Murdoch “accepted he gave the cannabis to the witnesses and bought cigarettes”.

“He told officers ‘the only smokes I gave them was normal cigarettes’,” she added.

One of the witnesses knew the accused by chance

The sheriff asked Ms Ahmed how Murdoch knew the witnesses.

She said: “One of the witnesses knew the accused by chance as he lived near the school and would see him and speak to them.

“There were three occasions between the libeled dates.”

The court heard that the children were given three “joints” and that no money was paid for the drugs.

The sheriff asked if the cannabis or cigarettes were given in return for money.

Ms Ahmed answered: “No, my lord.”

‘This is a pretty serious matter’

Mrs MacNiven said Murdoch was a first offender at the age of 66, and had been on bail since the matters were first heard in court.

She said: “Quite quickly after the first calling of this case Mr Murdoch came to my office wanting to plead guilty.”

Sheriff Cameron said: “This is a pretty serious matter. Both charges are serious.

“All sentences are available to the court. It is noted that you have shown genuine remorse.

“You have pled guilty to the supply of drugs to young children, which is very serious.

“I am asking for a Criminal Justice Social Work report and a Restriction of Liberty report.

“Your bail will be continued.”

The case will call again on April 2.