A prominent retired Aberdeen consultant has been banned from the roads after his careless driving left a cyclist with a broken collarbone.
Neil Edward, 87, struck the cyclist with his car as he navigated Queen’s Cross roundabout and the incident sparked a police appeal for the driver to come forward.
Edward – a renowned pioneer in the fight against kidney disease – was said to be “horrified and ashamed” to be in this position.
The retired doctor did not appear in Aberdeen Sheriff Court due to his age, but pled guilty through his solicitor to one charge of causing injury by careless driving on October 30 last year.
Charges of failing to stop at an accident and failing to report an accident were dropped.
The accident happened at around 2pm as Edward, of Northcote Road, Aberdeen, was driving his silver Nissan Qashqai.
Doctor did not see cyclist
Fiscal depute fiscal Helen Treharne told the court that cyclist had entered the roundabout from Fountainhall Road before Edward entered from Carden Place.
She said: “[Edward] did not see her and struck her with his vehicle, knocking her off her bike to the ground.
“She was taken to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary where it was found she had broken her collarbone.
“When traced [Edward] was found to appear fit and capable.”
Edward’s defence solicitor Ian Woodward-Nutt said his client had recently been widowed and was still “mentally and physically very capable”.
He said: “He plays golf two days a week and drove regularly around the area.
“He regrets this sorry incident.”
Ban will have impact on him
Mr Woodward-Nutt went on to explain there had been road works on the roundabout at the time and visibility was not good.
“There was significant plastic cones and fencing,” he said. “He failed to see the cyclist and is horrified and ashamed to find himself in this situation.”
Acknowledging that his client would automatically receive a driving ban, Mr Woodward-Nutt said: “It is going to have a significant impact on his life in the months ahead.”
Sheriff Philip Mann disqualified Edward for 12 months, endorsed his licence and fined him £420, giving him two months to pay.