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Invergordon cannabis dealer has ‘turned over a new leaf’

Sebastian Percival had been discussing his tenancy when he sent a housing officer a text offering "purple haze" and "ching" at the "best prices".

Sebastian Percival sent his housing officer a drugs menu over text. Image: Facebook
Sebastian Percival sent his housing officer a drugs menu over text. Image: Facebook

A dealer who was caught out after he texted a drug menu to his housing officer has been ordered to complete unpaid work.

Sebastian Percival had been discussing his tenancy over text with the council worker before he sent them a text offering a menu of items including “ching” and “purple haze”.

The message promised “Best prices – you won’t find better than this.”

Percival, 21, appeared at Inverness Sheriff Court for sentencing having previously admitted a single charge of being concerned in the supplying of a class B drug.

At an earlier hearing, fiscal depute Alison Young had told the court that on July 19 2023 a Highland Council housing officer was exchanging texts with Percival relation to his tenancy.

She said it was later on the same day that another text message arrived and it “contained a drugs menu containing deals for various drugs”.

Drugs menu text offered ‘best prices’

Believing Percival may be dealing drugs, the worker contacted authorities and a search warrant was executed at his home in Gordon Terrace, Invergordon, the following day.

A “quantity of herbal matter” later found to be 525.97 grams of cannabis was recovered along with three sets of scales and £735 in cash.

The drugs were estimated to have a value of £3,125 but could achieve as much as £5,205 if sold in street deals, the court was told.

Percival was traced and arrested.

When interviewed, he told officers he had received his Child Trust Fund money and had used £2,500 to purchase a large quantity of drugs.

“He stated it was not his intention to sell the drugs,” the fiscal depute said.

But Sheriff Gary Aitken observed: “That seems highly unlikely, given the text.”

Solicitor Mhyrin Hill for Percival, told the sentencing hearing her client had “turned over a new leaf” since learning he was to become a father.

Dealer’s ‘naivety’ led to ‘irresponsible’ involvement

She said: “He became involved through naivety – he is accepting of how completely irresponsible it was.”

Sheriff Aitken told Percival: “I sincerely hope that the penny is now beginning to drop.

“This was an exceptionally ill-advised decision […] you will bear the consequences of it. Drug dealing of any description is unacceptable.”

He placed Percival on a community payback order with two years of supervision and 225 hours of unpaid work – warning him this was a direct alternative to a custodial sentence.