A man in Fraserburgh was attacked with a meat cleaver over a £15 debt.
Joseph Cragg, now 24, committed the offence back in 2018 after he and another man had been out drinking in the town.
But when an argument broke out between the parties, Cragg – who was 17 at the time – struck his victim on the head with a meat cleaver on Linds Brae.
It left the man with a 3.5cm wound that had to be glued closed.
Was brought up to ‘assist’
Cragg’s defence agent, Sam Milligan, suggested that Cragg, of Moscow Drive in Liverpool, was not in Fraserburgh of his own will.
He said Cragg, who is currently serving an English prison sentence of 49 months, had been brought to the north-east to “assist with endeavours”.
“He had been invited to attend here by others,” he said.
“At that age, my lord – 17 – he was was asked to accompany a visit to the locus. He stupidly thereafter became involved to the extent of the libel.”
‘Your present circumstances are what they are’
Sentencing Cragg to 11 months, which he will serve consecutively to his English prison term, Sheriff Craig Findlater said he took account of the fact he was just 17 at the time of the attack.
He said: “I take account of your young age and the fact you were very immature at the time of this offence.
“On the other hand, I have to take account of the nature of this assault which included, of course, the use of a potentially deadly weapon and which insulted in injury.
“Obviously your present circumstances are what they are, and as a result of those only a custodial sentence is appropriate in this case.”
As Cragg left the dock, he could be heard thanking the court.