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Supervision order for Peterhead man who committed ‘senseless’ axe attack

David Frazer, 61, assaulted the man after turning up at his property claiming he wanted to buy some wood.

The case called at Peterhead Sheriff Court. Image: DC Thomson
The case called at Peterhead Sheriff Court. Image: DC Thomson

A Peterhead man has been handed a lengthy supervision order to help him deal with underlying issues after he carried out a “senseless” axe attack.

David Frazer, 61, had gone out to a remote farmhouse in April last year and told the owners he wanted to buy some wood before he struck one of them with his weapon.

Peterhead Sheriff Court was told Frazer’s victim and family have been left traumatised by the terrifying incident.

He appeared at Peterhead Sheriff Court on Wednesday to be sentenced after submitting a guilty plea last month.

Frazer, whose address was given as Longate, will now have to work with social workers for the next two years as well as complete unpaid work within the community.

Had gone to buy wood on the day of the assault

Depute fiscal Ruaridh McAllister told the court that Frazer had driven out to the  Tillynaught property to commit the offence.

But when he was taken into the property by his victim, he struck him over the head with the handle of an axe as he turned around.

When police arrived to detain him, he responded that he did not why he had committed the act but “he was fed up being cold”.

He also admitted to having another axe within his vehicle.

As a result of the attack, the court heard Frazer’s victim was left with a scar on his head.

Frazer’s defence agent, Sam Milligan, said his client was “troubled” at the time of the offence.

“He is the subject of a prescription regime,” he added.

“And in the view of the learned writer of the report he can, therefore, safely be managed.

“He appreciates, my lord, that his behaviour on this particular date was entirely beyond the pale.”

Payback order for ‘extremely serious’ attack

Sheriff Craig Findlater branded Frazer’s attack “senseless” and “extremely serious”.

“The assault has had a significant effect upon him and upon his family,” he added.

“They have lost a sense of stability and security which they have otherwise felt for many decades.

“Plainly, Mr Frazer, you were unwell at least to some extent at the time of this incident.

“You were suffering from a number of issues at the time.”

As a direct alternative to a prison term, Sheriff Findlater handed Frazer a two-year supervision order and a conduct requirement, which will mean he has to work with the social work department and engage with both mental health and drug and alcohol professionals.

He will also be made to complete 200 hours of unpaid work within the community, to be completed within 12 months, and is now barred from entering the property of his victim for the next 10 years.