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Serial Aberdeen flasher banned from public spaces

Pervert Victor Rae can only approach women if they are acting in a professional capacity.

Victor Rae pictured previously at Aberdeen Sheriff Court.
Victor Rae pictured previously at Aberdeen Sheriff Court.

A serial Aberdeen flasher has been banned from any beaches, parks or wooded areas for two years after he committed more sex crimes in the city.

Victor Rae, 53, admitted touching himself in front of two women at an Aberdeen woodland.

The court previously heard Rae had his trousers down around his knees and was performing a solo sex act when the walkers spotted him near Sheddocksley Sports Centre on August 4 last year.

Lengthy record of flashing

The 53-year-old pervert has a long history of disturbing sex offences, often involving lurking in woodland and flashing women and girls.

Rae also admitted sexually assaulting a woman inside the WH Smith Post Office in Aberdeen city centre on October 25, 2024.

Victor Rae was not so keen to expose himself during a previous court appearance. Image: DC Thomson

The court was told the woman had been queuing up at the St Nicholas branch at around 3pm and said Rae had been standing close behind her.

She became aware of Rae touching her on the bottom and believed he was using his fingers, the court heard.

CCTV later revealed Rae could be seen removing his right hand from his pocket and moving it towards the woman’s buttocks.

Significant risk to public

Appearing at Aberdeen Sheriff Court for sentencing, fiscal Rebecca Coakley said reports on Rae, of School Avenue, Aberdeen, showed him to be of a “significant risk to the public”.

She asked for a Sexual Harm Protection Order (SHPO) to be imposed specifically to protect women as he posed a “very high risk” to them.

Rae’s defence solicitor Alannah Comerford said her client “fully understood what was required” by such an order but argued that the proposed condition of not approaching any women was “too wide”.

Sheriff Peter Grant-Hutchison amended the order so that Rae could approach women – but only if they were working in a professional capacity.

Rae’s two-year SHPO also states he cannot enter any beaches, promenades, parks, wooded areas, shrubbed areas, grassy areas or public spaces.

Pervert’s long history of offending

In November 2006, he admitted to sending pictures of his genitals to an 11-year-old girl and also exposing himself indecently to her and a 14-year-old friend.

Back in 2011, Rae pled guilty to exposing himself and performing a sex act in front of two students in Seaton Park.

During the same court appearance, he also admitted making obscene gestures from the window of his home at two young girls waiting for a bus on March 13.

The prolific sex offender landed back in court in 2017 after rubbing his groin in front of a female dog walker in on Aberdeen’s Tullos Hill.

And in 2021, a court ordered that Rae be banned from parks, beaches and woodland after flashing a woman on Tyrebagger Hill.