Aberdeen’s planned low emission zone will be slightly smaller following feedback from the public.
Earlier this year, Aberdeen City Council revealed a map of where the city’s first low emission zone (LEZ) would be.
Anyone who takes a vehicle into the zone that does not meet strict emissions requirements could face a fine.
The local authority asked the public for their thoughts on the proposals, and following this consultation the proposed scale of the LEZ has been slightly reduced.
The initial plans included the East North Street, Commerce Street and Wapping Street areas.
But on the new map, the LEZ boundaries in these areas have been scaled back.
Why is an LEZ being introduced in Aberdeen, and what vehicles are banned?
The LEZ is designed to reduce air pollution in the city centre, and encourage the use of low-emission transport.
Aberdeen is one of four Scottish cities which will have an LEZ put in place following legislation passed by the Scottish Government in 2017.
Aberdeen City Council is aiming to introduce its own LEZ by May next year, however, a two-year grace period is planned from the introduction of the project.
During this period no enforcement will take place, meaning that no fines will be issued until May 2024.
Fines for taking any high-polluting banned vehicles into the zone will be £60, but cut down to £30 if paid within 14 days.
However, there will be exemptions, such as for emergency vehicles, historic vehicles, and vehicles being used by disabled people.
You can find out if your vehicle is likely to be banned or not, and lots more in our LEZ explainer here.
The council estimates that by 2024, 85% of cars, 70% of light goods vehicles, 93% of heavy goods vehicles and all taxis in Aberdeen will be compliant with the city’s LEZ.
Time is running out to have your say
Following this alteration to the plans, anyone with an interest in the LEZ and its boundaries has been invited to tell the council their thoughts.
Formal objections for the proposed boundaries finish on November 28, and must be made in writing, stating the grounds of the objection.
You can email them to transportstrategy@aberdeeencity.gov.uk.
Or you can send them by letter to Transport Strategy and Programmes, Aberdeen City Council, Business Hub 4, Ground Floor North, Marischal College, Broad Street, Aberdeen AB10 1AB.
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