An artists impression of the proposed care home from the previous planning application
A care home company has urged Highland Council to ignore its planning guidelines as it prepares to resubmit revised plans for a new facility on the Black Isle.
Parklands’ previous proposal for a 40-bed care home off Ness Road in Fortrose was thrown out by local authority planners earlier this year.
Concerns were raised about the visual impact of the building and the potential closing of a “green wedge” separating Fortrose and Rosemarkie.
Parklands is now revising its plans – and has urged the council to consider the “desperate need” for a care home in the area over its planning guidance.
Parklands Group managing director Ron Taylor said: “We are continuing to progress our revised planning application for the site on Ness Road.
“We believe we have addressed many of the concerns identified by The Highland Council and we will be meeting planners shortly to discuss our application.
“We believe there is a desperate need for a care home in Fortrose and that the local development plan can and should be set aside to allow progress to be made.”
Ignore your planning guidelines care home company tells Highland Council