Wendy Lev with her daughters (left to right) Lana, Maya, and Adi at Upper Achintore astro pitch when they launched the petition to save it
A Lochaber community is to be offered the opportunity to take over ownership of a closure-threatened play area.
Residents of Upper Achintore and local school children launched a petition to save the Highland Council-owned astro pitch earlier this year.
And the local authority is now holding a public meeting to discuss the possibility of local people taking it on.
A council spokeswoman said: “During a recent consultation, a very strong desire was expressed by residents of Upper Achintore in Fort William to retain the astro turf kick about area adjacent to the former Upper Achintore Primary School.
“As a direct result of this feedback, Highland Council agreed to retain the area, recognising it as one of the few safe, level areas for children to play.”
She added that an action plan for the area had now been developed and a public meeting to explore the potential of the community taking over ownership of the area would be held in the community room at Lundavra Primary School on Thursday October 6 at 7pm.
And she pointed out that this would enable the community to raise funds for the improvement and ongoing care of the site.