Councillor Crichton is calling for Broadband service equality in the islands
A Western Isles councillor has called for all homes and businesses in the Outer Hebrides to be provided with a super fast broadband service.
Councillor Donald Crichton praised the work which has so far been done by BT and Highlands and Islands Enteprise (HIE) to roll out the service, but wants to ensure existing challenges are met with solutions.
Mr Crichton, vice chairman of the Sustainable Development Committee, added: “It will be essential over the next period that HIE and BT redouble their efforts to mitigate the identified problems and to ensure that all homes and businesses in the Outer Hebrides are provided with a super fast service.
“If there is any shortfall in terms of resources this requires to be addressed as a matter of urgency by the Scottish Government.”
Call for Broadband service equality in the islands