The latest legs of the region-wide exercise began last month (NOV) after the council's adoption of "onshore wind energy supplementary guidance."
People are being urged to contribute to council surveys on windfarm development in Caithness and the Black Isle.
The latest legs of the region-wide exercise began last month (NOV) after the council’s adoption of “onshore wind energy supplementary guidance.”
Principal planner David Cowie said: “As with a Loch Ness study, the draft appraisals set out key aspects for each study area that we’d take into consideration when managing planning applications for all scales of onshore wind energy development.
“It would be a guide that provides context for the detailed assessment of individual proposals, provides general advice on the likely form of development appropriate in different areas and help us identify scope for development.”
The appraisals were drafted by a working group involving council officers and the government agency Scottish Natural Heritage.
The draft document is online at
It is also available at council service points and public libraries in the respective areas.
The latest phase of the consultation runs until noon on January 20.
Have your say on windfarm developments in the Highlands