Blackhouse Watersports appealed the council's decision to refuse retrospective planning permission for its beach hut at Balevullin Beach.
A beach hut built without permission by a watersports company on Tiree has been granted a stay of execution to allow its owners more time to reply to the latest report from planners who want it demolished.
Blackhouse Watersports is seeking retrospective planning approval from Argyll and Bute Council for the hut at its base, Balevullin Beach, where it runs a surfing business.
Councillors travelled to the island in November last year to see the beach for themselves and hear from islanders who have in the main come out in support of the hut, which was built with full support from island landlord Argyll Estates.
A decision on the hut was expected at yesterday’s meeting of the Planning Protective Service and Licensing Committee but council lawyers recommended moving this to the next meeting, given the short time that Blackhouse Watersports has had to study the Area Capacity Evaluation (ACDE) report and give a reply.
Tiree beach hut battle continues as owners given more time to respond to planners