Highlands & Islands Emergency services battle 1.5 mile long wildfire at Loch Ness By Kieran Beattie April 5 2017, 9:45 pm April 5 2017, 9:45 pm Share Emergency services battle 1.5 mile long wildfire at Loch Ness Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/highlands-islands/1214818/emergency-services-battle-1-5km-wildfire-loch-ness/ Copy Link More than five fire teams are currently battling a 1.5 mile blaze close to Loch Ness this evening. The emergency services were called to the scene of the wildfire at Dores at 7.34pm. The fire has been burning for several hours Nobody has been hurt in the fire, and teams have managed to move the blaze away from nearby properties. However, the extensive heather fire is still well established over one and a half miles. Residents were evacuated from their homes