As the deadline for applications to the post of head teacher for an island school looms today, parents are hopeful of finally filling the role.
The post at Tobermory High School on the isle of Mull has been advertised for the third time since August.
During this round the parent council have taken matters into their own hands with a massive online marketing campaign to draw attention to the position on the idyllic, scenic island.
Dawn Reade of Tobermory High School Parent Council said: “We don’t know exactly how many applications there have been, but we have heard from at least eight people who were interested and either visited the school or spoke to the acting head about it. We know two of those are not applying, but there are definitely at least six interested parties remaining.
“On Monday they will start making a shortlist, so we probably won’t hear anything until the following week.
“Our fingers are crossed. We are hopeful that we will find someone. We had a lot of interest from all over the world, including America and South Africa, although they would need to become registered with the General Teaching Council in Scotland, so they would need to do that as well as applying for the job.
“Certainly the last two rounds we didn’t have anything like this.”
A spokesman Argyll and Bute Council, which runs the school, said: “The recruitment process for the post of head teacher at Tobermory High School is ongoing and we welcome the support of the school’s parent council.”