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Aviemore trainee minister is part of peace building mission

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A trainee minister from AviemoreĀ is among a group of ten young Christians and Muslims from across Scotland who are spending a week in Rwanda.

They are learning how to build relationships across different racial, religious and cultural groups. The theme of their groundbreaking visit is Peacebuilding across Borders.

Instigated by the Church of Scotland and Interfaith Scotland, the Youth LeadersĀ Programme selected five Christians and five Muslims to travel to the African nation and learn about the challenges facing each country and how faith groups are working together for peace.

Seoras Orr, a trainee minister who grew up in Aviemore, said: ā€œI am very much looking forward to this opportunity to make new friends, learn new things and have new experiences.

ā€œIt is exciting to be able to share my Christian faith with my Muslim neighbours and to hear more about their beliefs as well as their personal stories.ā€

While in Rwanda, the group will meet Christian and Muslim leaders, visit the Rwanda genocide memorial, spend a night with a host family and take part in a workshop with young Rwandans.

The ensemble will also look at how Rwanda copes with the 160,000 refugees from neighbouring countries who have taken sanctuary there.

The young people, who are all in their 20s, include a Cumbernauld local councillor, a law student, a non-profit development worker, an aspiring writer, a trainee minister, the Moderator of the Kirkā€™s National Youth Assembly, two youth workers, a student of international politics and a mosque employee.