Pulteneytown People’s Project in Wick will receive £150,000 over the next three years
A community project in the Highlands has secured a £150,000 funding boost from the National Lottery.
Pulteneytown People’s Project in Wick will receive the money over the next three years.
It will be used to help the project deliver a growing range of services from the town’s community centre.
Katrina MacNab, chief executive of the Pulteneytown People’s Project, said she was delighted with the award.
“This will allow us to develop our classes, including our ladies hobbies group, which is basically a friendly group who meet at our ‘Natter and Knit Club’.
“This particular group has grown over the last 12 months and this funding will allow us to keep it going.”
It’s though the funding will enable the project to expand its offering, attracting an extra 120 a week to the centre.
The group is one of 24 to receive a share of the Big Lottery’s latest round of funding, which amounts to £5,728,140.
Maureen McGinn, chairwoman of Big Lottery Fund Scotland, said: “This latest investment of £5.7 million will help communities across Scotland to flourish by bringing local people together.”
National Lottery funding boosts Wick community project