The cub will be named Poulsen, MacKinnon, Artor or Hamish.
Photo by RZSS/Siân Addison
The public will vote to decide the name of the first polar bear born in the UK for 25 years.
The Highland Wildlife Park in Kincraig revealed earlier this week that the cub recently born there is a boy.
They have now given the public four options for his name in an online poll created on their Facebook page.
The four names are Poulsen, Artor, MacKinnon and Hamish. Each name has an explanation to illustrate why it has been chosen.
Poulsen is in memory of the renowned bear behaviourist Else Poulsen, who passed away in 2016.
Artor is a Pictish name which directly relates to the bear, and is also a nod to the cub’s father, whose name Arktos is bear in Greek.
MacKinnon is in dedication to a long-term supporter of Royal Zoological Society for Scotland, which runs the park, who has a particular passion for the polar bears.
The name favoured by the keepers is Hamish, which they say is ideal for a polar bear born in the Highlands.
Hamish is also the early favourite, with more than twice as many votes as second-placed Artor currently.
You can vote for your choice until April 26.
Is it Poulsen, MacKinnon, Artor or Hamish? Public to decide the name of the first polar bear born in the UK for 25 years