The Peshmerga are put through the Benswala training area by Corporal Hayden Cook from Carluke and 2nd Lieutenant Alex Toomey from Stirling.
Soldiers from 3 SCOTS The Black Watch are currently in Iraq, helping to train the security forces.
The Fort George-based troops, alongside personnel from the 2 SCOTS The Royal Highland Fusiliers, have been providing vital training and mentoring to Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) to help equip them with the skills to deal with IS threats and any potential attacks from the bordering nations of Syria and Iran.
Along with conducting training, the Scottish soldiers have also been providing force protection which involves the manning of firing and observation posts known as Sangars.
More than 500 British soldiers were deployed to Iraq in non-combat roles as part of Operation Shader, and now the Inverness-based troops are coming to an end of their tour.
Black Watch put Iraqi security forces through their paces