NHS Highland is still awaiting official agreement of a £15million bail-out from the Scottish Government for an overspend from last financial year – while also face being £21.4m over budget in the current year.
Chief executive Elaine Mead told yesterday’s board meeting in Inverness that a decision over a brokerage deal for last year would be made at the end of next month.
The latest figures, meanwhile, show the health authority has overspent its budget by £8.1million so far in the first three months of the financial year.
Labour’s health spokesman and Highlands and Islands MSP David Stewart said: “Everyone who works for NHS Highland and every patient who needs treatment and health care should be greatly concerned that yet again there is a predicted overspend.”
NHS Highland’ interim director of finance David Garden outlined the financial strain facing the authority at yesterday’s meeting.
He said: “The forecasted potential position is £21.4m overspend at year end.
“NHS Highland is not in a position to assume a financial break-even position for 2018/19.
“A savings target of £50.7m is required for 2018/19, with £31.7m of savings identified in the annual operational plan leaving a gap of £19m.”
He told the board they must “recognise the continued need for a longer term sustainable service plan, supported by appropriate financial and workforce plans”.
NHS Highland has a budget of £604million.