Highlands & Islands Police attend two-vehicle collision on Oban road By Gregor Aiken November 14 2018, 9:10 am November 14 2018, 9:10 am Share Police attend two-vehicle collision on Oban road Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/highlands-islands/1609449/police-attend-two-vehicle-collision-on-oban-road/ Copy Link Police are on site of a two-vehicle crash outside Oban. The collision involving a car and a pick-up truck occurred on theĀ A816 just two miles north of Kilmelford. A police statement said: “A car and a pick up have collided this morning on theĀ A816. Re RTC on #A816 2 mile north of Kilmelford, Officers at scene. Car & Pick-up have collided. No injuries. ONE LANE NOW OPEN but take care in area. @trafficscotland @obantimes @INRIXtrafficSCT @argyllshiread @westcoastbuses @CalMac_Updates @obanfm103 @BBCTravelScot — ObanPolice (@ObanPol) November 14, 2018 “No injuries have been reported.” One lane is now open and motorists are asked to approach with caution.