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National tour of Gaelic pantomime kicks off

A fifteen-day national tour of a new Gaelic language pantomime Seocan agus am Bogsa-ciĆ¹il (Seocan and the Accordion) started last week with a performance at Acharacle Primary School.
pic: Ewen Weatherspoon
A fifteen-day national tour of a new Gaelic language pantomime Seocan agus am Bogsa-ciĆ¹il (Seocan and the Accordion) started last week with a performance at Acharacle Primary School. pic: Ewen Weatherspoon

It’s behind you…the first date on a national tour of a Gaelic pantomime has taken place at Acharacle Primary School, with 39 more Gaelic medium schools to see the comedy before a city show later this month.

A fifteen-day national tour of a Gaelic pantomime Seocan agus am Bogsa-ciĆ¹il, Seocan and the Accordion, will end with a public performance on Thursday December 13 at The Ironworks, Inverness.

Angus Macleod, drama officer with FĆØisean nan GĆ idheal, who have put on the pantomime for the last 11 years, said: ā€œThe story follows the adventure of young Seocan, who in his efforts to earn some money for Christmas, encounters a helpful Highland genie called Fergie and the legendary but not-so-giant giant Murdanaidh MĆ²r.

“The play features the actorsā€™ musical talent with accordion and Gaelic song of the traditional, festive and silly varieties.Ā  The actors bring lots of infectious fun and energy to their roles and plenty of opportunity for audience interaction, making this an engaging and enjoyable experience for children and adults alike.ā€