A Highland-based soldier will be reunited with his daughter in Scotland after the Home Office ruled her application now met immigration rules.
Lance Corporal Denis Omondi, who is based at Fort George, and his wife Shelagh had been fighting to bring his 14-year-old daughter Anne to Scotland.
Mr Omondi only learned he had a daughter seven years ago. He now has sole custody, provides her and had been returning to her in Kenya at every opportunity to be with her.
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The u-turn comes off after the pair discussed it with their local MP Drew Hendry.
The Inverness MP has raised the issue with the Prime Minister and the home secretary and helped secure a review of their case which Mr Omondi said now has been concluded.
Mr Hendry said: “I am absolutely delighted for Denis, Shelagh and Anne.
“The past months have been incredibly difficult for them and, at least now they can look forward to the future and finally be together as a family.
“I want to thank everyone who has supported them and including the thousands of people who signed the petition calling on the home secretary to right this wrong.
“I know the outpouring of support and friendship meant the world to them all.”
“This is the right result but it has been a hard slog with the Home Office. I hope lessons can be learned from this case to avoid putting others through the same difficulties.”