Cancer waiting targets are being missed in north and north-east, according to new figures showing one Western Isles patient had to wait 234 days for treatment.
NHS Scotland statistics found that NHS Grampian, NHS Highland and NHS Western Isles were among the Scottish health boards missing the target.
It states that 95% of cancer patients should receive treatment within 62 days.
In Grampian, 80% of patients met the target compared with 83.7% for Highland and 75% for the Western Isles.
The longest wait in Scotland was recorded in the Western Isles.
Lib Dem Mike Rumbles.
North East Lib Dem MSP Mike Rumbles said it was “astonishing” the Scottish Government was not doing more to cut waiting times.
A Western Isles spokeswoman said “almost invariably” islanders had to be treated at mainland specialist centres.
“In some of those centres patients do experience a longer waiting time,” the spokeswoman added.
Cancer patient waits 234 days for treatment as NHS waiting targets missed in north and north-east Scotland