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West Highland Museum welcomes special visitor

West Highland Museum Manager, Colleen Barker (left) presents a small memento to Carole Abel, who was the 60,000th visitor of 2019.
West Highland Museum Manager, Colleen Barker (left) presents a small memento to Carole Abel, who was the 60,000th visitor of 2019.

While most people were preparing to welcome Santa, West Highland Museum in Fort William had its own special festive visitorĀ  – number 60,000.

Carole Abel from Merseyside didn’t need to come down the chimney to enter the museum in Cameron Square, but was taken by surprise when she was greeted by a round of applause and handshakes as she crossed the threshold.

Mrs Abel, 75, who was on a Christmas bus tour on Monday and staying at a nearby hotel told the assembly that she was absolutely amazed as nothing like this had ever happened to her before .

She said: “This has taken me completely by surprise, but I am absolutely delighted at being such a welcome guest. I have been to Fort William before on bus tours, but this is my first visit to the museum – and I will come again.”

West Highland Museum manager, Colleen Barker said: “We have been anxiously counting our visitors all week, wondering when we might reach the target and I am so pleased that Mrs Abel was the lucky person.”

Visitor numbers have been rising steadily at the museum every year, but 2019 saw the footfall increase by a jump of almost 4,000, from the 56,111 recorded last year, many from all parts ofĀ  the world.

The museum is noted for its extensive Jacobite display.