A full consultation will take place into plans to replace Argyll and Bute’s only dementia assessment ward with a community-based service.
The closure of Knapdale ward at Mid Argyll Community Hospital in Lochgilphead will mean people having to travel to Glasgow for hospital-based dementia care.
Around 50 people turned out in blustery weather conditions yesterday to ask Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership’s Integration Joint Board to save the ward.
Members of staff, relatives and union members lobbied the board to allow the ward to become a centre of excellence for dementia care and work alongside a community-led service.
Board members said the decision was not a financial one but based upon people receiving the best care possible, which is in a home environment.
Councillor Kieron Green, IJB chairman, moved that the board continue with the recommendation, with the addition that “a full consultation will be undertaken. A full report will be submitted to the IJB after consultation, in March.”
Unison regional organiser Simon Macfarlane said: “It’s disappointing that the IJB didn’t take a decision to end the threat to Knapdale. The model put forward today is subject to further consultation.
“The people of Argyll and Bute spoke out loud and clear that they want to save Knapdale Ward and inpatient dementia services.”
He said the opinion of the public would come out in the consultation.