A task force has been set up to look after the interests of the 25 inhabited islands in Argyll and Bute.
Argyll and Bute Council formed the Our Islands Our Future short life working group after Orkney, Shetland and Western Isles Councils joined forces to lobby for island issues.
Yesterday the group decided to change its name to Argyll Islands Task Force and agreed areas for action.
Councillor Len Scholar, chairman of the task force, said: “The three islands councils (Western Isles, Orkney, and Shetland) formed a group, Our Islands, Our Future.
“We had discussions with them, but as they had already started negotiations with the Scottish Government, it was felt that we should form our own group.
“We are trying to establish what the priorities are and what are the important things that need to be done for our islands.
“We will take our views to the full council in an effort to have them recognise a commitment to do something about our islands and provide us with the money and resources to carry out this work.”
Fergus Murray, head of economic development at Argyll and Bute Council, said: “The group welcomes the work done by the three island councils. Argyll and Bute Council is keen to take forward its own proposals for its own islands.”
The Argyll group agreed to invite Angus Campbell, leader of Western Isles Council, to come and speak to them.
It also agreed to key actions, including detailed analysis of the population census data to determine the demographics for each island and developing a vision statement for Argyll islands.