A series of short educational films from the Highland archives has been extended after becoming an international hit.
The films, covering topics such as World War I, the Jacobites and transport, were initially aimed at people home-schooling but it soon emerged a wider audience was tuning in.
Under the banner ‘Learn with Lorna’, the films created by community engagement officer Lorna Steele have been viewed around 60,000 times and shared around the world.
They were made when the Highland Archive Service, operated by High Life Highland, closed during the pandemic and looked at new ways to engage with people.
The series is broadcast at 11am on Thursdays on Facebook and on the High Life Highland YouTube channel.
Ms Steele said: “It soon became apparent the films were being viewed and enjoyed by a diverse global audience and we decided to extend the film themes to examine specific collections, people and buildings with viewers being encouraged to contact the service for more information or with specific enquiries.
“One positive legacy of lockdown is that the series has created increased awareness of the important collections the Highland Archive Service cares for as well as promoting the work of High Life Highland to a wider audience.”
The archive includes historic documents from the 13th century in four archive centres in Inverness, Wick, Fort William and Portree.