Coastguard called after offshore worker falls ill near Shetland By Lauren Taylor May 20 2021, 10:22 am May 20 2021, 10:22 am Share Coastguard called after offshore worker falls ill near Shetland Share via Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Messenger Linkedin Email Post link Copy Link The Courier, No CR Number, News, Nadia Vidinova story, Extinction Rebellion activists vow to go down fighting as protesters scaled an oil rig at Dundee's port today. Picture shows; a rescue helicopter was seen as two activists scale the ladder on rig 'Valaris 122' Monday 6th January, 2020. Mhairi Edwards/DCT Media An offshore worker has been flown to hospital after taking ill on a rig north-east of Shetland. Shetland Coastguard scrambled a helicopter to the rig after the alarm was raised at about 8am. The helicopter landed an hour ago and he has been taken to Gilbert Bain Hospital in Lerwick.