The cost of repairing a historic footbridge in Tain has risen by more than half.
The Alexandra suspension bridge was closed three years ago because of safety concerns.
The 110-year-old bridge, which links Tain Golf Club with the foreshore, needs full refurbishment because of wear and tear and severe corrosion.
Highland Council has plans to repair the B-listed structure but it has now emerged that the costs have risen.
Originally the council believed that the project would cost around £200,000, however tenders received from companies interested in the work were much higher.
The revised cost is around £324,500 and officials are asking councillors to approve further grant funding from the Highland Council’s capital discretionary fund and Tain Common Good Fund.
At their full council meeting on Thursday, members will be told that Historic Scotland has confirmed their support for the work and have increased their funding from £50,000 to £101,797 to help cover the cash gap.
In a report to the council, David Haas, the acting head of community and democratic engagement, said that £123,906 was required from Tain Common Good Fund – an increase of £23,906.
And a further £61,797 is sought from the capital discretionary fund, meaning that its contribution will match that of Historic Scotland.
Mr Haas said: “If the funding package is not put in place timeously, there is a risk that the opportunity to obtain funding from Historic Scotland will be lost.
“If the work is not carried out, there is a risk that the bridge will become dangerous again and have to be permanently closed.
“Past experience suggests that when the bridge is closed off, some people will persist, despite warning notices and robust barriers, in breaking through barriers to use the bridge regardless.”