A housing association is investing more than £8million in making its Argyll homes energy efficient.
Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA), confirmed it is spending £8.2million completing the work on its houses in 2014-15.
The housing association has issued contracts in Islay, Oban, Bute, Cowal, Helensburgh and Dunbeg for roof renewal, insulation and external roughcasting.
ACHA has been told by the Scottish Government that it will receive £195,000 in grant aid through the Green Homes Cashback Scheme.
This will allow a further 30 homes to be added to the existing programme of works.
Alastair MacGregor, ACHA’s chief executive, said: “I hope our tenants will see the benefit in years to come through warmer homes and reduced energy bills.”
Oban, Lorn and the Isles councillor Roddy McCuish, who also serves as secretary of ACHA’s board of management, said: “I am delighted that ACHA has been able to secure this extra funding from the Scottish Government.
“This confirms ACHA’s commitment as a landlord working in partnership with others, to improve their tenants’ wellbeing.
“This will lead to warmer homes and reduced energy bills for our tenants as well as improving the appearance of the properties.”