Shetland Coastguard has dealt with two separate medivacs from oil platforms today.
The patients, who were both suffering from a similar medical emergency, are both now in the Gilbert Bain Hospital in Lerwick.
The first incident was called into coastguards at 10.20am, and the second at 12.40pm.
The oil platforms are some 15 miles apart, to the east of Shetland.
Similar medical conditions
A coastguard spokesman said: “We had two medical evacuations, both were offshore platforms. They were both to the east of Shetland.
“The helicopter was tasked to both incidents, at separate times. There are about 15 miles separating the platforms.
“Both patients had similar medical conditions. They are both now in the Gilbert Bain Hospital in Lerwick.”
ne patient was flown by helicopter to Tingwall, while the other was taken to the emergency landing base in Lerwick.
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Coastguard completes two evacuations after patients with similar emergencies call for help