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New football pitch for Culloden Academy, upgrade for Fort Augustus restaurant and plans for Caithness church and farm shop

Culloden Academy's football pitch approved.
Culloden Academy's football pitch approved.

Welcome to our weekly round-up of planning news across the Highlands.

The region’s planners have approved the creation of a new football pitch at Culloden Academy.

A farm shop is being proposed in a Caithness village.

And owners at the Boat House Restaurant are looking to upgrade their facilities.

Read on for more details.

SUBMITTED: Alterations to Fort Augustus restaurant

Plans has been submitted to upgrade facilities at the Boat House Restaurant in Fort Augustus.

Owner Prakash Iyer has lodged the planning application.

The Boat House is a landmark restaurant in Fort Augustus where visitors enjoy stunning views of  Loch Ness.

According to a design statement, the kitchen spaces are said to be too restricted and require enhancement.

Boathouse restaurant in Fort Augustus.

Guest toilets will be moved to an additional wing of the restaurant to increase the kitchen space and the installation of “state of art” ventilation systems.

SUBMITTED: Farm shop

An application has been submitted for the construction of a farm shop in Caithness.

The building is proposed for farmland at Myrtle Cottage, Brough.

Work could include the creation of a new access, 10 parking spaces and installation of a private drainage system.

NorCAD Design is representing Tracey Inkson in the planning application.

Floor plan for proposed farm shop in Caithness.

APPROVED: New life for Thurso church

Listed building consent has been given for renovation and alterations to the rear of the former St Andrews Church as part of efforts to bring it back into community use.

The Grade B Listed Church on Olrig Street, Thurso has been in a dilapidated state for several years.

Andrew McNair represented community interest company Thurso on Board CIC in the plans.

The organisation says its dream is for the church to open back to the community and offer a safe, drug and alcohol free place for the community’s youth to prosper.

Plans include a wooden skate park on the ground floor, climbing walls, studio spaces and a cafe.

Existing Grade B Listed Church on Olrig Street, Thurso.

In a planning statement, it says: “This is phase one of a larger programme of works to reinstate the whole building in due course.

“Externally proposals include the refurbishment of the stained glass windows and
replacement of windows that are beyond repair.

Drawings of changes at St Andrew’s Church in Thurso.

“It is intended to re-use the stained glass in conjunction with internal double glazing.

“A new addition to the roof will be the inclusion of roof lights to the central pitched section to provide better natural light into the space.

“Similarly, the two external doors are to be refurbished, replacing decayed timbers.”

APPROVED: New sports pitch

A new sports pitch will be built at Culloden Academy.

Colin Armstrong Architects represented Highland Council in the application.

The full-size synthetic pitch will have fencing and a drainage system.

Culloden Academy.

This is part of a major redevelopment at Culloden Academy that will include replacing the school buildings, sports facilities and car parking.

The £19m investment at Culloden is part of a wider £60m investment by the local authority into the school estate.

What the sports pitch will look like at Culloden Academy.

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