A new Near Me facility in Thurso library aims to give people living in the north of the Highlands easier access to health and social care through remote appointments.
Patients will be able to use the library for video appointments from next week as part of the programme, with trained staff on-hand to assist if needed.
The Near Me in Libraries initiative has already been rolled out in libraries across Scotland, including in Elgin and Orkney.
For people living in rural areas, online services mean less time and money spent getting to and from appointments.
Chief executive of Scottish Library and Information Council, Pamela Tulloch, said: “Local libraries provide a safe alternative to home and are ideally positioned to support people at risk of digital exclusion, especially in terms of health and care services.
“By using public libraries as a venue for Near Me, clients and patients can access the help they need without having to travel a significant distance from home. Our libraries are free and accessible safe spaces that can provide convenient and confidential online access.”
Scaling up
Libraries involved in Near Me already host around 45,000 consultations every month and also play a role in reducing the spread of disease.
As well as making services more accessible, Near Me will help the environment by reducing the need to travel long distances by car to get to appointments.
With the programme already having a positive impact on those it serves, Rosie Cooper, national improvement lead for the Near Me programme, hopes it can be rolled out further.
“Scaling up video consultations is a key national priority as use of video will help to allow greater and more convenient access to both routine appointments and specialist support from anywhere in the country,” she said.
“The libraries selected cover a diverse range of settings and population types and will be used to test the feasibility. This will include creating confidential booking systems and establishing communication and partnership with local services.”