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Special march to mark 75th anniversary of British Commandos

Walkers will head from Lochaber
Walkers will head from Lochaber

A special speed march to mark the 75th anniversary of the formation of the British Commandos is to be held at their Lochaber birthplace.

The 30 mile yomp promises to be one of the toughest challenges in the world, but it will raise funds for the Commando Spirit Appeal for the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund (RMCTF) and will return to Achnacary on September 12.

Celebrity ambassadors are encouraging civilians from around the world to take part in the arduous Survive The Yomp challenge around Achnacarry Estate, including TV presenter Dermot O’Leary, Scotland rugby international Jim Hamilton, former Royal Marine and TV presenter Monty Halls, Formula 1 presenter Suzi Perry and Major General Martin Smith, Commandant General of the Royal Marines.

Survive the Yomp offers participants the chance to experience the legendary 30-mile trek faced by Royal Marines Commandos in order to complete their training and earn their prestigious green beret during World War II.

Achnacarry and Spean Bridge was the training ground of the elite Commandos turning out more than 25,000 allied commandos who became known as a fearsome elite fighting force around the world.

The area was the obvious choice for Survive The Yomp because of its historical connections and rugged and remote terrain.

Yompers will be welcomed to the area by Cameron of Lochiel and supported by serving and former Royal Marines. They will also receive training and fitness advice by former Royal Marines physical training instructor and author Sean Lerwill.

TV Presenter Dermot O’Leary said: “I am delighted to support Commando Spirit, a great initiative to raise life changing funds for our Royal Marines and their families in need.

“I urge you to show your courage and sign up for a Commando Spirit challenge, a true test of guts and determination that will give you an insight into what it takes to be a Royal Marine.”

Maj Gen Smith said: “I am delighted Survive the Yomp will take place in iconic Commando Country and take us back to our old ‘yomping’ ground in and around Achnacarry and Spean Bridge. I wish all participants the very best of luck, and extend my gratitude for their tremendous fundraising efforts.”

Sally-Anne Hunter, founder and director of the Commando Spirit Appeal said: “It is about showing you have the courage, grit and determination to put yourself through true to life commando training whilst raising vital funds in the process.”