Members of the public are being invited to comment on the Caplich windfarm application, which will ultimately be decided by the Scottish Government.
More than 250 individuals have already submitted comments to Highland Council, both in support and in opposition.
Objectors include Cameron McNeish, the mountaineer and broadcaster.
He said that this proposal would “set a dangerous precedent which could affect the whole of the north west Highlands”.
A spokesman for Caplich developer Muirhall Energy said: “Caplich windfarm is not within the Assynt-Coigach National Scenic Area. Those parts of the National Scenic Area which will have visibility of the windfarm include the summits of Ben
More Assynt, Canisp, Cul Mor and Suilven. All of these summits are more than 10km (six miles) distant from the nearest turbine.
“The windfarm site is immediately between two very large forestry plantations, both more than 3,000 acres and characterised by straight boundaries and a uniform population of Sitka spruce. Other man made features including cultivated grazing land, tracks, roads and electricity lines mean that the wind farm will be seen within a working landscape.”
He added the company had reduced the number of turbines from 34 to 20.
He added: “We expect that this is the first windfarm in the UK to offer three separate community benefit initiatives including shared ownership in the windfarm company, a community benefit fund and a recreational enhancement fund for the employment of local labour to improve tourism amenities.”