A consultation is to be held on breakwaters and overnight berthing for sailors in the Sound of Iona.
Argyll and Bute Council will hold two events, one on Mull and one on Iona, as well as inviting anyone with comment to email or to write to the authority.
At present there is no breakwater on either side of the Sound of Mull, and the crew for the Fionnphort to Iona CalMac ferry service have to travel on a small vessel to the nearby Bull Hole at the beginning and end of shift to collect the boat.
While some island boats, for both business and pleasure, are anchored in Martyrs Bay on Iona and beside the pier at Fionnphort, there has been a long-held ambition to improve the facilities for islanders.
It is also hoped to attract other sailors to the area with overnight berthing facilities.
A spokeswoman for Argyll and Bute Council said: “Persons wishing to provide comments on the proposed construction of the breakwaters and overnight berthing facility can do so by writing to the prospective applicant at: elsa.simoes@argyll-bute.gov.uk.
Two consultation events
“Or by post to Infrastructure Design Manager, Infrastructure Design, 1A Manse Brae, Lochgilphead, Argyll, PA31 8RD, not later than April 21.
“Comments should be dated and should clearly state the name and full return email or postal address of those making comment.
“Comments made to the prospective applicant are not representations to the Scottish Ministers.
“If Argyll and Bute Council submits an application for a marine licence to Scottish Ministers, an opportunity will be given for representations to be made to the Scottish Ministers on the application.”
Two pre-application consultation events will also be held.
The first will be on Tuesday April 25 between 9.30am until 8pm at Creich Community Hall near Fionnphort.
And a second event will be held on April 26 between 9.15am and 4.15pm at the Carnegie Library, adjacent to Iona Village Hall.