The UK Government has confirmed a £600 million support package for the offshore wind sector
An interdict halting work to build road access for a wind turbine on an Argyll island has been lifted by a court.
Argyll and Bute Council served an interdict on Gallanach Green Generation (GGG) after it landed machinery on the beach on the isle of Coll and started building a road.
This interdict has now been lifted by the sheriff following a hearing in Oban but the council said it has served its purpose – giving the developer and the council the opportunity to begin negotiations on a positive way forward.
The council will work with GGG to ensure the development goes ahead in an appropriate fashion which supports the developer’s ambitions while protecting the interests of the wider community.
The company had been granted planning consent for a 252ft tall turbine Gallanach Farm, Coll.
But it was unable to transport the large components on Coll’s small roads.
The council had expected the developer to upgrade the existing road on Coll to transport the turbine.
But during the first bank holiday weekend in May, GGG landed machinery on a beach and started to construct its own access.
The council took the view that it was in breach of planning consent.